Insurrection Doesn’t Have a Great Track Record

John Romeo, head of the Oliver Wyman Forum, sat down with Richard Levick, host of the In House Warrior podcast series, to discuss why companies and society would benefit from a more transparent relationship between business and government.

The January assault on the US Capitol prompted many companies to suspend or reassess political contributions, but Romeo and Levick discuss how the basis for a new relationship has deeper roots in the movement toward a multi-stakeholder approach to capitalism as opposed to Milton Friedman’s doctrine of profit maximization.

“The notion of multiple stakeholders, multiple perspectives on business problems, and a broader sense of purpose in the world that you talk about I think now has to be a core part of any company’s DNA,” Romeo says. “I don’t think this is the kind of thing you can fake. It comes to down to authenticity.”

Learn more about this podcast here, and read John Romeo's recent article on this topic here.